This review may contain spoilers. why… IDK there were just too many questions I was left with. Weird movie, I do not get why. Why was this made? What was the point? fun movie, just not what i expected based on the movie & PTA’s reps. Very weird movie. I just feel like even a tiny little moment of introspection from Amber Waves where she ponders how she can call a boy her son while having sex and doing coke with him could have been beneficial. Throughout the movie, there were multiple moments where if characters just questioned themselves for a tiny second, there would be a better impact. Instead, the movie seems vapid. It was fun, sure, but to not address all the mess that happened in it is so weird to me. And some things, Idk their relevance at all. Betty Barnett, useless character. Why do we care about her husband, Raymond? I did like how Amber Waves was becoming a director, I feel like that could have also been addressed. Basically, I hate how the movie glosses over a...